Love Clean Streets for Local Authorities
For county councils, district councils, unitary authorities, metropolitan districts or London boroughs
Fully integrated and customisable service. Contact us for a full quote or to arrange a demo.
If you represent a Parish, Town or City council, click here.
The UK’s leading citizen engagement services. Engage your citizens, achieve costs savings and increase residential satisfaction.
Integrating the reports into your existing back-end system and achieve process cost savings. We integrate into many well known CRM’s, and waste management systems, and can even provide two way connections to your own home grown systems. We have a rich integration platform that is proven and robust and include Address Resolution Support with UPRN & USRN
Stand-alone “mini-CRM” If you don’t want to integrate into a third party back-office, then you can use our web based admin panel to manage interactions with users and reports. Some authorities have even found it good enough to enough to replace their expensive and complex CRM’s!
Have your own branding to promote your community. Our app can be automatically branded with your corporate colours and logos whenever a user is within your boundary, making the app your own especially when combined with Love Local Info (see below)
Configuring the types of reports and data to collect so you can make sure reports are efficient and match your service processes. You can have full control of what issues can be reported in your areas, and what type of data to collect, so you can get the perfect balance of the easiest app to use with capturing just the right amount of data for you to deal with the issue.
GIS Geo-Fencing enables you to optimise the app and information based on user location. You can add geo-layers so that different categories of reports can be made in different areas (e.g. a park vs a town centre), and you can route reports to partner or other systems automatically based on location and type of report.
Internal use for operatives leads to greater efficiencies for your workers. We have rich features for internal use, such as team support, report assignments, operative ability to update and close reports on the app, and customising categories for internal teams.
Push Messaging with Love Local Info to communicate with your citizens with relevant messages - our app isn’t just for reporting, use it to communicate with your residents with information feeds, or push alerts for timely data such as road or school closure. The information can even be made location specific so a councillors facebook page is shown whenever a user is in their ward for example.
Asset Integration to improve the accuracy of the report data - display fixed assets such as street lighting on the report map so users can accurately select the correct one, and then the asset id is passed to the back-office automatically. We can even use NFC and beacons to provide automatic detection of fixed assets thus eliminating any risk of error.
Existing and duplicate report features reduce administrative costs. Our app will show nearby open reports for users to view and our server side logic will detect duplicates automatically to help eliminate expensive duplicate processing.
Exciting roadmap - we are improving all the time - be part of the Love Clean Streets family. We are always improving and enhancing our service based on feedback from clients. You can help to define the new features that bring the most value to our users.
AI2 Integration for adding richer audits, surveys or inspections - LCS works hand in hand with our Audit, Surveys, and Inspections tool so you can collect data and share it with LCS. AI2 provides rich audit, survey and inspection apps for local government. Learn More
For Housing too - you can configure LCS to work for Estate Officers in housing estates or directives using our partner Love My Housing service.