Love Clean Streets for Local Authorities

For county councils, district councils, unitary authorities, metropolitan districts or London boroughs
Fully integrated and customisable service. Contact us for a full quote or to arrange a demo.

Elegant and simple to use mobile app Coupled with Clever Cloud Services bringing cost saving and community engagement since 2010
Complete End to End Environmental Reporting ServicE

One simple app that self configures to your location, Easy to use And Free to end users
The UK’s Leading Smartphone App

Add your branding, Customise report categories, Collect custom data And Vary configuration based on location and/or
Make it your own

Fully accessible branded web site included.
You have full control over what is made public And everything is
Always in sync with your app
Web Site Included, of Course

Reports are sent to the correct land owner or team automatically Based on Smart GIS layers And the App configures automatically based on location
Built-In Location Intelligence

Use your existing workflow In your current systems - we have
Many back-office systems already supported. Even better we provide
Simple Setup and Fixed Fees
Integrates with your Back Office

Provide local information directly in the app And
Vary automatically by location.
Send alerts for timely information such as road closures
Engage Your Community

Customise messages to users based on report type And
Keep them up to date throughout the whole process. Use
Email, App or Text notifications
Constant communication

Take advantage of app and server features such as nearby reports and AI Image and Location detection to reduce duplicates So users don’t report the same issue twice.
Avoid Duplicate Reports

Include assets like streetlights in the app And Users can attach the asset ID easily so you get the right data to act on. GO further with
Support for IoT devices to fully automate reports
Link Your Assets

Built-in Data Reports, Export and Links to data As well as Hot Spot Mapping to visually identify issues
Full Data Analysis

Configure more detailed categories and data collection for your operative, assign work to them that they can review and update in the app
For your operatives too

Use our smart GIS layers to enable reporting of issues in COMMUNAL areas for residents and estate officers
And for your housing stock

Integrate reports with contracted partners so reports are sent directly to them, while you retain full oversight; updates can be sent directly to users
Link with partners