Want to report an environmental issue?
Use Love Clean Streets!
The UK's leading and most used environmental reporting service.

The original Love Clean Streets® is now better than ever before, and is supported across the whole of the UK!

It's free and easy to use.
It's simple to make an environmental report.
We make sure your reports reach the right team within the correct authority.

How do I get involved?
I am a member of the public
Get our App!
You can report graffiti, fly-tipping or fly-posting, potholes, abandoned cars, dog mess, and many other categories. When you make a report you can choose from a list of categories relevant to your area.
Download the app now and make a report
Use the web site
If you prefer you can use our web site to make a report
I am from the council
The Love Clean Streets Service is much more than just an app
Our service is highly configurable, integrates into your back office, provides geo-fenced push messaging and configuration, automates responses, and much more….
We work with